Some types of training manager jobs include retail store training manager and junior project training manager for a company or firm. Online marketing operations training manager jobs typically involve training employees for marketing over the Internet. Other training manager jobs include inside sales, outside sales, or marketing. A strategic sourcing specialist is another type of training manager job. Regional training manager jobs will involve covering a specific area or region.
The Information Technology (IT) training manager job involves training and supervising in the field of computer technology. This training manager will typically supervise and train employees when they are newly hired for a project or permanent position. He'll typically teach the employees in a hands on style, which means he'll demonstrate methods for completing certain tasks. This might include computer hardware installation, upgrades, troubleshooting, or various other computer related tasks.
A related career in the airline industry is a flight attendant training manager. This position may also be known as manager of in-flight training. This manager typically educates and trains his newly hired staff to comply with regulations, policies, and procedures of the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The training manager occasionally recruits new hires and may also schedule meetings or events. This training manager typically has prior experience in the airline industry.
The medical industry will employ various training managers. One such job may be a medical equipment technical training manager. Medical director training manager jobs may involve supervising interns or medical staff and coordinating medical services. Some training managers may also oversee patient care.
People with educational program training manager jobs typically work in a school. This may involve public and private schools and universities. These training managers may design programs, courses, and curricula, while training and supervising teachers or faculty members and staff.
Safety training manager jobs may involve the food industry or industrial jobs. A food safety training manager will typically oversee and train newly hired staff to comply with safety regulations. A health coordinator is another type of training manager who may work with safety inspectors. Both of these training managers will typically identify risks and train subordinates on how to recognize safety hazards in the workplace.
Construction safety training manager jobs may involve overseeing projects at construction sites. Someone with this job will generally evaluate work conditions and methods, as well as materials used. The training specialist will generally educate his employees on how to recognize hazards on the job. He oversees employees to ensure they comply with safety regulations.