A person in a service technician job typically services, inspects, or repairs any number of devices or vehicles. Depending upon the chosen field, numerous job categories might fit the description. Some of the most common service technician jobs are auto service technician, electrical service technician, and field service technician jobs. Many other service technician jobs exist as well, including delivery service technician and project service technician.
In electrical service technician jobs, the employee will typically be hired to maintain structures, and buildings, and oversee wiring and electrical engineering equipment to be sure they're free from defects. He will typically test equipment inside and out, and work in various weather conditions, rather than in a controlled-climate environment. Armored service technician jobs involve the technical aspect of servicing armored trucks. Special hazards service technicians may perform system inspections of various structures.
With automotive service technician jobs, the individual may be specially trained and qualified as a skilled mechanic. He will generally know all technical aspects of auto repair. He typically attends to the routine service of vehicles. This job will generally involve experience in the diagnostic end of automotive repair. The technician will be skilled at employing various sets of high-tech tools.
Patient or medical technician jobs typically involve servicing machines and equipment in the medical industry. Routine maintenance work of medical equipment is generally part of the requirements and duties. The technician in this field may also make deliveries to hospitals and clinics.
A refrigeration service technician job entails inspection and repair work for refrigeration units within companies or large manufacturing plants. This may require heavy lifting and major physical work. Many refrigeration service technicians also have experience in heating and cooling, as well as engineering.
Entry level service technicians typically require on-the-job training. These positions are generally a starting point for employees who have recently completed their education and wish to pursue a particular technician job. Entry level jobs may involve various aspects of technical engineering or service.
A lead service technician job typically involves greater experience in all technical levels. The lead technician will generally oversee and supervise others on the job. A major requirement may involve completing some type of apprenticeship course. The lead technician's duties may involve writing analysis reports and reviews on a quarterly or regular basis.
Most any type of service technician job will involve the use of computers. Therefore, all technicians will typically have advanced computer skills. This is to enable the use of detailed computerized diagnostics. Such work may also involve computer readouts and spreadsheets.