Accounting is a vast industry that includes many types of specific jobs and financial roles. The accountant is responsible for organizing and reporting the financial health of a company. These jobs include taxes accountants, auditors, financial managers, and senior comptrollers. Most specialties include senior accountant jobs. These jobs are for the senior managers within each category.
Most accountants are individuals who enjoy working with numbers. They must also be good problem solvers because they are required to balance financial accounts. The primary responsibility of an accountant is to accurately depict the financial health of a company. This work requires handling meticulous details regarding the financial management of an enterprise.
A tax accountant is a specialist who helps organizations manage and prepare taxes. The senior accountant jobs found in tax accounting are responsible for overseeing a group of tax accountants. This managerial role includes oversight and review of the tax files prepared by the accounting department.
Financial analysts are considered senior accountants. This type of accountant is responsible for reviewing and interpreting the financial health of an organization. Most financial analysts are responsible for profit and loss statements and quarterly business reports. This high-level reporting is normally presented to senior executives within an organization, which requires effective communication skills.
A comptroller is considered the chief financial officer of a company. This is the most prestigious of the senior accountant jobs. The comptroller is responsible for managing all aspects of accounting within a company. Most comptrollers have a minimum of ten years of accounting experience. This individual must understand all facets of accounting within a company.
A certified public accountant (CPA) is an individual who manages a private accounting firm. This individual has typically had senior accountant jobs during his career and has passed the difficult CPA exam. Most CPAs works in large accounting firms or are private business owners.
An auditor is well known as a traveling accountant. This individual is responsible for reviewing the accounting books of an organization or company. It is the auditor's job to report discrepancies in a company's reported finances. This type of senior position is difficult because of the distrust factor associated with the auditing role. An auditor is similar to an investigator and typically not trusted by the audited company.
An accounting office manager is a supervisor in an accounting department. This individual has the management responsibility over the payroll, receivables, and payable department. An accounting manager needs to have the both basic accounting skills and employee management leadership skills. This well-rounded individual is considered a senior position in field of accounting.