Physical therapy assistant jobs can be varied and flexible. The licensed physical therapy assistant, or PTA, working under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist, can choose a job or career path based on their personal interests while still having the freedom to work hours that fit into their personal schedule. Many physical therapy assistant jobs work regular day shift hours, but there are many opportunities to work evenings or split shifts.
Split shift jobs are when you may work a few hours in the morning and then again in the early evening. This type of schedule allows parents to be home more to meet the demands of children. Many physical therapy assistant jobs have off major holidays and weekends, depending on the setting in which you chose to work.
Other physical therapy assistant jobs offer the chance to travel. These temporary traveling positions allow you to spend an average of six to eight weeks in one position at a time. After the contract is up there is sometimes the option to renew for another “tour.” Occasionally, these temporary positions lead to a permanent position. Typically, however, the PTA moves on to another location in the city or town of their choice.
The most common places of employment for physical therapy assistant jobs can be found in hospitals, outpatient clinics and rehab centers. Places such as skilled nursing facilities and nursing homes are also a hotbed of employment opportunities for the PTA. Some assisted living facilities also employ a team of physical therapists and PTA’s to ensure their residents maintain their modified independence goals.
Other places to find physical therapy assistant jobs in within the school systems. Specialized schools for the developmentally disabled often hire a physical therapy team to increase physical activity and general mobility skills. Even some mental health inpatient clinics hire PT professionals to rehab injuries or maintain general mobility for those choosing not stay active or for those unable to remain active due to physical limitations.
Since physical therapy can assist in general mobility skills, improving motor skills and rehabilitating all sorts of injuries or physical limitations due to disease processes and illnesses, the opportunities for physical therapy assistants has grown. Today, physical therapy assistant jobs can be found working with sports teams, whether amateur or professional, and in places like health and fitness centers. These PTA’s can help boost workouts and provide specialized fitness routines specific for the type of movements and strength required for the sport while preventing and treating injuries. A physical therapy assistant job can be as unique as your individual personality, as the possibilities are endless.