There are four different ophthalmologist jobs: private practice, working for a medical devices company, teaching, and research. An ophthalmologist is a physician who has specialized in the eye and eye diseases. Clients are typically accepted through referral from an optometrist, who has confirmed the presence of an eye disease or area of concern.
In order to become an ophthalmologist, you will need high school credits in biology, chemistry, calculus, and English. After completing an undergraduate degree, candidates apply to medical school. Upon graduation, additional training is required to become an ophthalmologist, as this is considered a medical specialty. The academic credentials required to qualify for this type of program are quite high, as precision and expertise is critical in this role. The eye is very unforgiving and damage due to error or delay is usually permanent.
The most common types of ophthalmologist jobs are found in private medical practices. Ophthalmologists can open their own practice or join a medical office with other specialty or family doctors. Most ophthalmologists develop consulting arrangements with local hospitals and optometrists. These doctors provide referrals to the ophthalmologist of patients who may need their services.
There are a broad range of ophthalmologist jobs available in a medical devices company. Eye drops, laser eye therapy, and eye disease diagnostic equipment are all experiencing an increased demand. An ophthalmologist on staff at a development company can work with the product designers to create a better product and meet users' needs.
Ophthalmologists can become instructors at local community or career colleges, teaching courses to ophthalmology technicians. They can also become instructors in identifying eye diseases for optometrist technicians, as well as nurses, and other health care service professionals. This training can help them spot the beginning signs of eye disease. In order to become an instructor, many professionals complete a certificate program in adult education. Learning the most effective way to teach adults can be a huge help when making this career transition.
Research into vision, eye diseases, and related issues is a huge area of exploration. Grants are available from government agencies, vision societies, and other groups to expand the field of knowledge in this area. Many ophthalmologists who want to explore this career option become university professors. These positions require teaching, but provide the opportunities for extensive research.
People who report the greatest satisfaction in ophthalmologist jobs enjoy helping people, problem solving and working independently. An ophthalmologist can greatly enhance the quality of someone’s life and provide the tools necessary to maintain their independence. Dedication, determination and fine motor control are all required as part of this role.