There are a number of cellulite removal methods that range from diet and exercise to massage and full body wraps, and from topical creams to surgical solutions. One of the most effective and least expensive methods of cellulite removal is weight loss. Getting plenty of exercise and eating well can lead to weight loss, which can also lead to the reduction of cellulite. These methods will not always completely remove cellulite, even for people who become very firm and toned. In these cases, the next methods of cellulite removal to try may be topical creams and spa treatments.
Topical creams used for cellulite removal often incorporate ingredients that help to stimulate the skin, ingredients that work to reduce fluid retention in the skin, or both. Just as many people use caffeine to get up and get going in the morning, cellulite removal creams also use caffeine molecules to send cellulite on its way. Another way to stimulate the skin while also working on one's sense of well being is to have a massage. Massage therapy can help to break up cellulite by stimulating the skin and the layers of tissue and fat under the skin. There are some spas that offer massages that target cellulite.
For those who want the benefits of massage for cellulite removal but can't afford regular treatments, there are electric and battery-operated massagers that can be used for the same purpose. When used regularly, these devices can also help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. A cellulite brush can have a similar effect. A cellulite brush is a kind of brush made with natural bristles that, when brushed over the skin in long strokes, can stimulate the skin and help to remove cellulite.
There are a few surgical options for people who are willing to spend the money and take the risks of going under the knife for dimple-free skin. Liposuction can help to reduce cellulite, but there are other surgical procedures that target the fat right under the skin that has caused it to have the texture of an orange peel or of cottage cheese. These procedures help to fill in dimples in the skin or to remove the tissue that is causing the dimples. There are also surgical procedures that incorporate both of these techniques at once. The results of these procedures may not be lasting.