Medical insurance jobs are available in medical billing and coding, medical insurance sales, and health plans. Some medical insurance jobs require little training and can be obtained without a college degree. Others will require vocational or college degrees.
Medical coding and billing are medical insurance jobs that can be obtained after a short training period. These jobs require understanding of insurance billing codes and practices, plus a basic understanding of medical jargon. Medical billers and coders will work at hospitals and doctors’ offices to ensure health insurers and patients quickly pay the proper reimbursement for medical bills. Obtaining certification in the field may increase a candidate’s ability to become hired without prior work experience.
Medical insurance jobs can also be found in medical insurance sales. In many cases, insurance companies prefer to hire college graduates, but high school graduates with proven sales skills may also be accepted. Insurance salespeople are often called “producers” within the industry and can work between 40 and 60 hours per week. Some producers will work for agencies, selling a wide range of insurance products alongside medical insurance. They may be required to hold broker’s licenses to do such work.
The widest variety of medical insurance jobs can be found in health plans. There are various opportunities for administrative professionals, customer service representatives, and data entry specialists. Health plans also need case management assistants to provide administrative support to case managers. An employer group specialist will work for a health plan, handling billing and renewal for large employer group plans. All these medical insurance jobs require only a high school degree, but some experience in these fields is preferred.
Those with medical degrees can find work as mental health service coordinators and nurse case managers. They use their medical expertise to advise case managers and patients on how best to complete care so that the patient receives optimal care. Health plans also need medical experts to perform utilization review to ensure that doctors are caring for patients within health plan guidelines.
Other careers at health plans include information technology jobs like website administration and design, data analysis, software development and network engineering. Health plans often use their own proprietary software to track information, so information technology workers are needed to improve and maintain such systems. Lawyers can also find medical insurance jobs involving regulatory compliance, contracts, risk management and corporate affairs. They can also work to resolve claims and lawsuits against the company.