Medical billing and coding jobs have received a lot of attention because of their potential for employment out of the home and also because of relatively high demand for qualified medical coders and billers. There are several subcategories of medical billing and coding jobs including medical collectors, coding specialists, billing specialists, and claims processors.
Many medical billing and coding jobs can be learned through on the job training, but there are also training courses available. Taking these courses is a good idea for those interested in medical billing or coding because they offer a competitive edge to job seekers trying to break into the industry. Several of these classes can be taken online or at technical and community colleges.
One medical coding and billing job is that of the billing specialist. This person sends bills and follows up on claims made to insurance companies. It is his or her responsibility to ensure that the doctor or medical professional is paid in a timely fashion for services rendered to the patient.
When payment is denied or delayed, a claims processor, analyst, or reviewer may step in to investigate the reasons why. It is his or her job to contact the patient if necessary to discuss any appeals against a denied claim and to make payment arrangements if the insurance company continues to deny payment.
A patient account representative is another of the many medical billing and coding jobs. This person keeps accurate records of patients who have failed to pay their medical bills. They also work alongside third party collection agencies to accurately log when a patient does pay, how often they are contacted, and to discuss any potential payment arrangements requested by the patient.
Another of the medical billing and coding jobs is the coding specialist. This person understands complex medical terminology and keeps records of patient procedures, tests, and treatments. By keeping track of exactly which procedures were performed, insurance companies and billing specialists can make payment arrangements more easily. Of all the medical coding and billing jobs, the coding specialist needs the most training because it is important to list all procedures accurately and using correct terminology.
To qualify for any job in medical coding and billing, one should be good with numbers, computer literate, and fast at typing records and documents. To be considered for a flexible schedule or a telecommute situation, many doctor’s offices and clinics require a proven track record of on the job work experience.