There are many different homeopathic thyroid treatments available, and each is suited to the individual based on the other physical or emotional symptoms that are presenting. The treatments offered by homeopathy for thyroid problems include fucus vesiculosus, calcarea carbonica, calcarea phosphorica, lycopus, iodium and spongia. These treatments all have specific applications, which should be considered before deciding which to use in any specific case.
Homeopathic medicine works on the principle that a substance that may be capable of inducing a disease, administered in minuscule doses, can serve as a cure. It is similar to the basic theory of inoculation, although homeopathic medicines are generally much more diluted, to the point where some opponents claim they work due to the placebo effect, whereby a sugar pill, administered in the way real medicine would be, can cause improvements in conditions based on the power of suggestion alone.
Homeopathic remedies are combined with water at a ratio of either one to nine or one to 99. The diluted solution is then taken and further diluted at the same ratio. This process is repeated up to 30 times in some homeopathic thyroid remedies.
Calcarea carbonica is a homeopathic thyroid treatment derived from calcium carbonate. As with most homeopathic remedies, it can be used for a variety of different conditions, including slow development of bones and teeth, backache, fractures and joint pain. The treatment is also used for PMS, right-sided headaches, ear infections and eye infections. The accompanying personal symptoms that make this treatment suitable for thyroid conditions include anxiety, tiredness, sensitivity to cold and offensive smelling urine. Calcarea phosphorica is a similar treatment that is more suited to people with frequent perspiration or children with cold extremities.
Another homeopathic thyroid treatment is iodium, derived from iodine. This treatment is also used for treatment of people with rapid metabolism and people who are particularly susceptible to perspiration. Additionally, it is used to treat lead poisoning and rattlesnake bites. People with thyroid problems suited to iodium are those who feel better when they were outside in the open air, and worse when they are in quiet or warm surroundings.
Fucus vesiculosus is a treatment derived from sea kelp, which is often used in homeopathy. It is one of the homeopathic thyroid treatments, but it can also be used to treat conditions such as obesity and constipation. This treatment may be suitable for people whose forehead feels like it’s being compressed by an iron ring and who have thyroid enlargement.