There are real home typist jobs available although most of these are low paying and are contract projects rather than an ongoing part-time or full-time typing job. The best way to find legitimate home-based typist jobs is to have good typing and computer skills, be wary of scams, search locally as well as online and understand what the demand is for typing so you can meet it better than your competition. While you might start out doing general typing on assorted projects, eventually specializing in two or three areas may help you build experience that can lead to better paying home typist jobs. However, typist jobs from home are sought by many people since working from a home-based location is appealing and convenient for most workers.
Businesses in your area may need work transcribed from audio files. This can be a great start for those interested in home-based typist jobs that could help them get transcribing experience. General transcription experience may lead to better paying work, especially if home workers can get the medical or legal education and training needed to specialize in medical or legal transcription. These home typist jobs require specific knowledge and skills, but those interested can inquire at hospitals and doctor's offices as to what is needed to get this kind of work.
Typing papers for students is another area for home typist jobs, although the pay is lower than transcription and there is unfortunately more demand for people to write papers for students, which is plagiarism in many cases. Academic writing companies are permitted to operate under the theory that students are paying for a model essay rather than for their assignments to be written and typed for them, but of course, plagiarism could and has be known to occur in these situations.
It's also important to differentiate between writing and typing as some people advertising for a work at home typist actually want the typist to write original material for very low pay rather than just type it. Data entry jobs are typing based if the worker is not coming up with original material, but rather is expected to enter given information into a computer program to create documents. It's better to inquire at businesses if they need data entry or typing done than to answer vague ads for data entry or typing that sound too good to be true, as they are likely to be scams and not legitimate home typist jobs.