Though most scholarships are intended for high school seniors or college freshman, there are many college scholarships for high school juniors as well. The most common types of college scholarships for high school juniors are those that are merit based, which means they are intended for students who have high grade point averages and high standardized test scores. There are also some scholarships for juniors who are considered exceptional and ready to attend college early. Additionally, some scholarships are based on the results of competitions, and others are primarily intended for students who are financially needy.
One type of scholarship for high school juniors is intended for students who show academic promise. If a junior has high grades and high test scores, an organization may award a scholarship he can use when he eventually enrolls in college. There are all sorts of organizations that provide this type of help. For example, art groups, athletic clubs, colleges, businesses, and special-interest groups are among those that may offer college scholarships for high school juniors.
Some college scholarships for high school juniors are intended for people who are considered exceptional students. In some cases, these students may receive scholarships to begin attending college early. For example, instead of starting college the fall after they graduate high school, they would receive funds to start college the fall following their junior year of high school. The manner in which this works depends on the college, however. Some may make this first year of college a dual-enrolled year, which means the student earns both high school and college credit, while others may provide college credit alone.
Some college scholarships for high school juniors are granted based on a competition of some sort. To obtain this type of scholarship, a person usually has to demonstrate that he deserves it in some way. For example, a student could compete in an essay or art contest to secure a scholarship, or he may perform a musical piece for judging in a scholarship contest.
A person can also find scholarships for juniors that are based on a student's need for financial help with tuition. In such a case, the organization that is granting the scholarship usually compares the high school junior's family income to his family size to determine whether the student is considered financially needy. In the event that the student is financially needy, the organization may then apply other academic-related criteria when deciding which students to offer scholarships.