There are many different cash handling procedures that can be established by a business or organization for those involved in counting, handling, and supervising cash for that company. Common general procedures include the use of cameras to monitor areas where cash is frequently handled, the use of a safe for cash, and policies regarding who has access to that safe. There are also more specific cash handling procedures that can be considered, such as who must be present to void a transaction, the ways in which a cash register can be accessed by employees, and the qualifications required for employees who handle cash for a company.
Cash handling procedures are typically rules and policies established by a business or agency that involve frequent handling of cash. Retail companies, for example, often establish a number of procedures for cashiers, managers, and other associates involved in daily cash handling. A strong and effective cash handling policy can help prevent theft from employees and customers, as well as accidental losses due to miscounting money.
Most companies and agencies establish specific cash handling procedures based on the needs of the business, though some general procedures and policies are quite common. Companies that handle a great deal of cash on a daily basis often use safes that are locked and stored within a locked room. Even small amounts of cash can be kept in a locked box and secured in a locked drawer or filing cabinet for safer cash handling.
Cash handling procedures typically indicate who has access to the key to this room or cabinet, and this person is often different from the one with knowledge of the combination to the safe. Both of these people are usually different from the person who actually counts the money in the safe. These cash handling procedures provide greater layering of those with access to cash, which can help prevent a single person from stealing money from a company or organization.
Many retail companies establish cash handling procedures for cashiers, which are often designed to prevent theft both from within and outside of the company. This can include the use of user names and passwords to access a register, which prevents other employees and customers from opening an unattended register. Similarly, many companies require that a manager or supervisor be present when an unusual transaction is made, such as a purchase being voided or a large refund being issued. Companies also frequently perform background or credit checks on employees who may handle cash, to ensure they are more likely to be trustworthy.