The popularity and scope of the Internet has led to an enormous change in educational methods. Distance learning programs allow students to achieve a variety of degrees without having to physically attend classes or move to be near a campus. There are dozens of distance learning qualifications available, from associate degrees all the way through doctorates.
One of the first steps in determining what distance learning qualifications are available from a program is to check if it is accredited. If a school is listed as having accreditation, it means that the degrees offered by the program are generally accepted as legitimate and on par with regional or national educational standards for the subject. Schools that are not listed as having accreditation can offer certificates of completion, but may not be able to provide an official degree.
The fastest distance learning qualifications to achieve include associate's degrees. At a regular college, an associate's degree may take two or three years to complete. Since some distance learning programs allow students to take many more classes at a time than traditional colleges, an associate's degree may sometimes be completed in less than a year. Associate's degrees are available in a wide range of subjects, including nursing, business, technology, health care, criminal justice, and education.
Some of the most popular distance learning qualifications include bachelor's degrees. From an accredited university, these distance learning qualifications serve the same purpose and result in the same degree awarded for a four-year undergraduate program. Popular subjects for distance learning qualifications at the bachelor's degree level include psychology, accounting, computer science, and interior design.
Obtaining a master's degree through distance learning has become a popular option for people returning to education after some years away, or for those who must balance learning with family and work responsibilities. While the coursework and requirements for distance learning qualifications at the master's degree level is just as rigorous as in a traditional program, the flexibility of scheduling and option to work at home is greatly beneficial for some students. Available qualifications at this level include Master's of Art, Master's of Science, Master's of Public Health, and Master's of Business Administration degrees.
A limited number of research and professional doctoral degrees are also available through distance learning programs. These may include terminal degrees in psychology, business, nursing, engineering, and theology. Many contain a heavy practical and research component, meaning that they can be quite demanding despite the comfort of working from home.