Thrush is a type of yeast infection that affects the mouth and can often be treated successfully using alternative methods instead of conventional medications, although it is important to consult a doctor or other medical professional with any individualized questions or concerns. Some of the most popular alternative treatments for thrush include apple cider vinegar, acidophillus, and fiber. Dietary changes and lifestyle modifications may be helpful in many situations. Some alternative treatments for thrush may be more appropriate for adults than for children, so a health care professional should be consulted for help in developing an individualized treatment plan.
Apple cider vinegar is one of the more popular alternative treatments for thrush. While this method of treatment is safe for people of all ages, babies and small children may have a difficult time accepting it due to the taste of the vinegar. A few drops of the apple cider vinegar can be placed in the mouth of the affected person or on the nipples of a breastfeeding mom in order to control the growth of the yeast.
Acidophillus and increased fiber intake are frequently used as alternative treatments for thrush. A type of healthy bacteria that works to make the intestines too acidic for the yeast to thrive, acidophillus also produces hydrogen peroxide, a substance that kills the yeast. Many health care providers recommend the use of acidophillus after taking prescription antibiotics in order to restore a proper balance of healthy bacteria in the body. Increased dietary fiber has been found to be helpful for many people with thrush.
Healthy dietary habits can discourage the growth of yeast in the mouth. Processed foods and products high in sugar content should be limited or avoided, and raw fruits and vegetables should be consumed as often as possible. Cleanliness and proper oral hygiene are important elements in preventing and treating thrush. Plenty of rest is also needed in order to allow the body's natural healing abilities to take effect.
The most appropriate alternative treatments for thrush may vary from one person to another and depend heavily on the age of the patient as well as any underlying health conditions or current medications. A medical doctor or a trained homeopathic practitioner can help develop an appropriate treatment plan on an individual basis as well as monitor the condition in case more aggressive forms of treatment become necessary.