There are several different alternative treatments for osteoporosis available, although these treatment options should not replace proper medical care. Dietary changes and nutritional supplementation are among the most popular treatment choices. Herbal therapy and acupuncture may also be used as alternative treatments for osteoporosis. For the best results, it is ideal to find a doctor who is trained in both traditional and alternative medicine. Any specific questions or concerns about potential alternative treatments for osteoporosis should be discussed with a doctor or other medical professional.
Dietary changes are among the most popular alternative treatments for osteoporosis. A low-protein and low-sodium diet may be beneficial in preventing bone loss associated with medical conditions such as osteoporosis. A diet low in saturated fats may also be helpful, although a doctor should be consulted before making any dramatic changes to the diet. Some studies have suggested that red clover and products containing soy may be particularly beneficial for post-menopausal women.
Nutritional supplementation may be one of the more ideal alternative treatments for osteoporosis for those who have difficulty maintaining a healthy diet or those who do not get the recommended amounts of certain nutrients through the diet. Some of the most commonly used nutritional supplements include magnesium, zinc, and calcium. Periodic blood tests may be recommended for those using this type of treatment in order to ensure that these nutrients are being properly absorbed by the body and that the correct amounts are being used.
Herbal therapy is often used as one of the alternative treatments for osteoporosis. Herbs that may help to strengthen the bones or prevent excessive bone loss include black cohosh, wild yam, and comfrey. These herbs may not be appropriate for everyone, as other medications may not interact well with certain herbal supplements. Some medical conditions may prohibit the use of some of these herbs as well. Due to possible complications or health concerns, herbal treatments should always be supervised by a medical professional.
Acupuncture is one of the more controversial alternative treatments for osteoporosis, as this method of therapy is often either misunderstood or the efficacy is questioned. This method involves the placement of needles in the skin on strategic areas of the body and manipulation in such a way as to provide relief of symptoms or healing of the medical issue in question. In spite of the controversy surrounding this type of treatment, many people have reported positive results when incorporating acupuncture into the overall treatment plan for osteoporosis.