Frequent nosebleeds are most common in children or in the elderly, and most are not considered severe conditions. They are often caused by warm, dry air that can dry out the interior of the nose, allowing a blood vessel to release blood. Other causes of frequent nosebleeds include frequent or hard nose blowing, some medications, cocaine use, allergies, sinus infections, or nose picking. Nosebleeds often occur without warning and can usually be stopped quickly by applying pressure on either side of the nose. If the bleeding does not stop within a few minutes, one should consult a doctor, especially if the person bleeding is a child or elderly person.
Winter months are often the time of year when frequent nosebleeds occur because less moisture is present in the air in many parts of the world. This is also the time of year when many people catch colds, meaning they will blow their noses frequently enough that a blood vessel can burst and release blood. This can occur several times throughout the course of an illness, which may not allow enough time for the blood vessel to heal itself. This can lead to frequent nosebleeds for shorter periods of time, such as weeks or months.
Cocaine use can also cause frequent nosebleeds. This dangerous drug wears away at protective membranes within the nose, and it can also damage blood vessels, allowing blood to flow out through the nose. Cocaine users get frequent nosebleeds in addition to frequent runny noses, and the user will very often lose or her his sense of smell completely or to a severe degree. Other foreign objects in the nose can also cause nosebleeds; any powders, solid objects, and liquids placed in the nose regularly or even occasionally can cause damage to protective membranes within the nose.
Children are prone to nose picking, which can very often lead to frequent nosebleeds. A finger or fingernail can both dry out the inside of the nose and damage the walls of the nasal cavity, causing wounds through which blood vessels will flow. Such nosebleeds are not very serious and usually originate in the front part of the nose. Nosebleeds that originate in the back part of the nose are considered more serious because they are difficult to stop. These types of nosebleeds often occur in the elderly, and very often the person bleeding needs to see a doctor or visit an emergency room to get the nose to stop bleeding.