When someone is writing an essay on health, much like any other type of essay, he or she should consider the audience, the purpose, and any requirements expected for that essay. The audience is important when considering the type of language used within such an essay, as complicated medical terms or procedures may require more or less explanation depending on that audience. A writer should consider the purpose and any secondary requirements of the essay to better ensure that all the requirements are fulfilled.
An essay on health is, in many ways, much like any other type of essay, and there are some general and specific concerns the writer should keep in mind. The audience can often have a tremendous impact on the overall tone and structure of an essay. An essay’s audience is the person or people expected to read the essay, usually an instructor or the readers of a journal or magazine.
If someone is writing an essay on health for a class in microbiology, for example, then the audience is likely to be the instructor of that class. This means the essay can make references to conversations held in class and technical terminology should not require much explanation. The same essay written for a professional journal may require explanation of references to materials covered in class, to ensure a wider audience would understand these references.
A writer should also be sure to stay true to the purpose of the essay on health that he or she is writing. If an essay is being written for a classroom assignment, then the writer should ensure it answers the question or otherwise fulfills the requirements of the assignment. Someone writing an essay on health for publication on an Internet website should be sure to address the question or issue that is requested by the website.
Secondary requirements or guidelines for writing an essay on health should also be met. If a teacher requires a certain format, or if a particular style, such as Modern Language Association (MLA) or American Psychological Association (APA) styles, is required, then the writer should be sure to meet those guidelines. Teachers, magazines, and scholarly journals all typically require original work as well, so a writer should be careful to properly cite any sources for non-original materials and generate his or her own ideas for inclusion in the essay.