Some of the best tips for planting asparagus include starting asparagus from crowns rather than from seed, taking care not to plant the crowns too deep, and keeping weeds out of the asparagus beds. If planting asparagus is done from seed, the seeds should be nicked with a knife or other sharp object and soaked in water for roughly 12 hours before planting. Many people also soak their asparagus crowns in water for a few hours before they plant them, which might help if the asparagus looks particularly dry. It is also typically considered best to to harvest asparagus in the early hours of the morning rather than in the afternoon because temperatures are usually cooler in the morning, and asparagus is much more perishable in intense heat.
Most garden experts agree that planting asparagus from crowns rather than from seed is the fastest method. When asparagus is started from seed, it usually takes an additional year for the asparagus to become ready for harvesting. Asparagus planted from crowns can typically be harvested one year after planting. Many gardeners prefer to start their plants from seed, and nicking asparagus seeds as well as allowing them to soak overnight in water should help to ensure that the seeds germinate faster, which might shorten the process of growing them from seed slightly.
When planting asparagus crowns, it is usually considered best to avoid planting them too deeply in the ground. The recommended depth for planting asparagus crowns is most likely between 5 to 6 inches (13 to 16 cm). When asparagus is planted deeper than 6 inches (16 cm), the total yield the plant produces may be reduced. It's also typically thought to be a good idea to add some fertilizer containing phosphorous to the ground before planting asparagus because this might also increase the total yield the plants produce.
People who plant asparagus may have to be very aggressive about keeping weeds at bay. Asparagus plants normally do not tolerate competition well, and an excess of weeds could negatively impact their growth. Weeding asparagus beds is usually best done by hand during the first year of growth because herbicides could harm the young plants. As the plants mature, pre-emergent herbicides are generally considered safe to use.
The best time of day to harvest asparagus is probably in the morning, particularly for people who live in areas where temperatures get excessively hot. Asparagus can perish quickly in the heat, so the cooler hours of the morning are normally best for harvesting. If asparagus feels hot at the time of harvest, it can be submerged in ice water for a few hours before storing.