The best tips for maintaining backyard grass can vary by region, as the amount of rain an area gets and the type of soil common in that area can affect the growth of the grass. The acidity of the soil can also affect backyard grass, so if the lawn is not growing properly or the grass seems to be dying, an acidity test can help determine whether the pH level of the soil needs to be adjusted. If the soil is too acidic, which is a common problem for lawns, limestone granules can be added to adjust the pH level of the soil.
Cutting backyard grass will be necessary on a regular basis. One common mistake homeowners make is cutting the lawn too short; this may look great at first, but the roots of the grass can become weakened, which means the blades of backyard grass are likely to die. Weeds are also given the chance to compete with the grass for available water and nutrients if the lawn is cut too short. Once the lawn is cut, it is wise to leave the grass clippings on the lawn, as the cut blades will act as fertilizer for the soil. Do not leave clumps of grass; if clumping occurs, the clumps can be collected or redistributed.
The backyard grass will need to be watered regularly, but over-watering can encourage diseases and runoff problems. The best time of day to water the backyard grass is in the morning, as less water is lost to the elements, such as wind and evaporation from sunlight, but the water will not collect long enough for the incubation of diseases. During dryer summers, it may be tempting to water the lawn more often to avoid a brown lawn, but this may not prevent browning. When the lawn turns brown, it is not actually dead, but instead dormant. It will turn green again when more water is available consistently.
Fertilizing the lawn will help ensure the grass gets the nutrients necessary to keep the plants thriving. Many homeowners fertilize the lawn once a summer or even twice a summer or more. The specific needs of a lawn will vary according to the available water, soil type, and various other factors, so some lawns may only need fertilizing once a year, while other lawns may need more applications. When fertilizing, it helps to apply the fertilizer in various directions. The homeowner can, for example, apply the fertilizer in a line across the yard, then cross that original line perpendicularly on the next pass.