One way to see the world is to work as a nanny overseas. Employer families typically provide free room and board as well as pay the childcare provider some spending money. Families and agencies are usually diligent in checking the background and references of prospective childcare workers. Applicants should enjoy working with children, be CPR certified, and have impeccable references. Many overseas childcare jobs are advertised, but applicants should be selective in which ones they accept.
Learning as much as possible about the prospective family's culture, language, and food can put an applicant ahead of others. Knowing such things will help put the hiring family at ease during the interview process. It also lets the parents know their children will be watched by someone who cared enough to study their culture. When applying for several different overseas childcare jobs, learning at least a few things about each family's culture can be helpful.
While many international childcare agencies require employees to take foreign language courses, applicants who come to the agency already speaking at least one additional language typically move ahead more quickly. The applicant should become fluent in the language spoken in the desired country of employment. For example, if an applicant wishes to work in Paris, he or she should study French.
Signing on with an international nanny service helps protect the applicant from problem positions. Agencies usually put client families through a vetting process to ensure they have the financial ability to afford the service. Some agencies also check out the family's background to be sure there are no convictions or credit issues. This gives the applicant a measure of security in accepting work through the agency.
Before accepting overseas childcare jobs, workers should communicate with the potential families several times. This gives everyone involved an opportunity to see if personalities are compatible. It also allows the childcare workers to ask questions of potential employers before traveling a long distance, only to discover the job is a poor fit.
Saving some cash to take overseas is a smart protection measure for the childcare worker. Regardless of how much communication takes place before the job is accepted, once in a while things can go wrong. Nannies should always have enough cash on hand to get home if needed. Choosing overseas childcare jobs can be a daunting process, but if precautions are taken and the research is done, excellent travel opportunities are available.