Tinting windows, whether in a car or house, requires patience and practice before it's possible to achieve professional-looking work. Following tips from professional installers helps make a person's DIY window tinting experience more enjoyable and increases the chances of the tint fitting properly and being bubble-free. Among the most important steps are to clean the glass thoroughly before starting, measuring the tint correctly for the size of the window, and working out bubbles between the tint and window without tearing the tint.
When doing DIY window tinting for a vehicle, the first step should be to contact local law enforcement agency. Local laws dictate what kinds of tint are allowed for the type of vehicle, including how dark different windows on the vehicle can be tinted. The DIY window tinting package has a rating of how much light the tint filters out, which those doing DIY tinting can consult to ensure the tint is not rated as too dark for local laws. Law enforcement may make special exceptions for vehicles such as limousines or other commercial vehicles.
The glass the window tinting is to be applied to, whether it is in a car or the home, must be completely clean before beginning the application process. Using a glass cleaner helps eliminate not only streaks, but also dirt and buildup that might be hard to see. Leaving behind any kind of foreign materials on the glass creates a barrier between the tinting film and the glass, affecting adhesion so the tint peels off later. Clean with a microfiber cloth and glass cleaner, since microfiber will not leave lint behind on the glass.
It's important to trim the film for the DIY window tinting project more than once during the installation process. When trimming the film for the first time, hold it against the window as a guide, then trim the film one inch or 25.4 millimeters larger than the size of the window, on all sides of the window, using scissors. Tint film shrinks slightly after being sprayed with application solution, so cutting it larger prevents the film from shrinking to a size smaller than the window. After applying the film to the window and sliding it into position, then trim it to the exact size of the window using a utility knife.
After applying the film to the window, its important to remove bubbles and creases before the solution dries. The DIY window tinting kit should come with a plastic squeegee to help smooth out the film, but if not a nylon scraper from the kitchen works well too. The hard edges of the squeegee or scraper might actually damage the tint, so wrap two to three paper towels or disposable napkins over the edge before using it on the tint.