Couples and individuals coping with infertility often benefit from the help of a support group, infertility counseling and books written by authors that share useful tips on the subject. When coping with infertility, stress and anxiety can also be minimized by interacting with others who are also currently unable to conceive or who experienced difficulties in the past and can relate to the myriad of emotions associated with this condition. Maintaining a healthy mental and physical balance is also important as it not only decreases stress, but may help ease issues prohibiting conception, which is why some practice a unique form of exercise known as infertility yoga.
Infertility support and resources are often offered through women’s health clinics and hospitals with programs dedicated to women’s reproduction. Commonly included in these resources are referrals for infertility support groups that allow individuals and couples to meet in a relaxed environment, share infertility stories and provide support to one another through a shared group experience. Individuals and couples coping with infertility often report that groups addressing infertility are effective in helping to ease emotional burdens, such as stress, shame and depression, which are commonly associated with infertility.
When coping with infertility, many turn to alternative methods of conception, such as in vitro fertilization, surrogate parenting and fertility treatments. Each of these can take a financial, as well as an emotional, toll on families who are unable to conceive naturally. Experts advise that couples and individuals coping with infertility while engaging in these alternative approaches first predetermine personal limits on how much, emotionally and financially, each is willing to invest in methods that may or may not result in pregnancy.
Reducing stress through physical exercise, such as yoga, is useful to most people and may be especially useful to those coping with infertility. In the process of seeking this ancient form of exercise and meditation to relieve stress and increase physical health, some have reported that it has acted as a natural infertility treatment. Women in a relaxed state are also able to better cope with the fluctuating trials of medical infertility treatments.
Becoming better educated on issues relating to reproduction may also help couples and individuals coping with infertility. By doing so, many discover alternative therapies, as well as tips that may help increase the chances of a full-term pregnancy. At the very least, being educated on infertility issues helps relieve stress and guilt, as couples realize that many infertility causes are not due to controllable issues.
Couples coping with infertility must also never blame one another for an inability to conceive. Often couples fall into a cycle of blame and ostracizing one another as a result of keeping unhealthy emotions bottled up inside. Instead, emotions should be positively expressed via counseling and healthy communication.