When choosing an academy of math, it is important to consider the location of the school, the program offered, its cost, and the reputation of the institution. A math academy is usually a high school or secondary school program focused on science and mathematics. Students who are enrolled can later choose to pursue a degree in mathematics while in college. Math academies may function as a boarding school where students live and attend classes full time, or it may be a typical school where classes are attended during the day. Charter school programs in several cities offer an academy of math option for students who qualify academically, and many other math academies are offered as part of a larger college or university.
Cost is the first factor to consider when choosing an academy of math. Boarding school programs will be more expensive than day schools, and will have a separate fee for room and board. In cases where the academy of math is associated with a larger university, the students will often be housed in a dormitory situation that is similar to regular undergraduates at the college. Scholarships based on both financial need and academic capability are usually available for students to attend an academy of math. Charter school programs focused on math and science are generally the most inexpensive way for a student to attend a math academy.
Students wishing to pursue a degree in mathematics are often among those who choose to attend a science and math academy. These programs are designed to enhance an education and place emphasis on the application of math and science to other fields. Teachers in charge of teaching mathematics at these special academies are usually professors in the field or hold a graduate degree.
Some programs will offer college credit for courses that are completed, allowing a student to enter college with advanced standing. These programs differ from typical advanced placement courses because they are taught by university faculty, and the classes are attended alongside regular undergraduates. Coursework is presented on a university transcript, and grades earned are weighed the same as any other college mark.
When choosing an academy of math, it is a good idea to look at the matriculation data of alumni from the school to various universities. This information is usually presented on an academy's website or in a new student brochure. The type of schools students are able to enter from year to year is a good basis to judge the quality of a particular program.