The most important tip for barbell training is to learn the proper technique for each barbell exercise before performing any of them. Improper technique is almost guaranteed to lead to injury, which can slow muscle growth and even cause muscle loss or degradation. If a person is new to barbell training, he or she may want to consult with a professional trainer or an experienced weight lifter to prevent injury and ensure the best results. A new lifter will want to do some research to find the best training program for his or her ability level, and progress as muscle is built.
Defining one's fitness goals is another priority before barbell training even begins. A person may want to build muscle, burn fat, or become better conditioned overall. If weight loss is the goal, barbell training will need to be combined with aerobic workouts, and if a person is training for a specific sport or activity, other exercises may need to be combined with the barbell workout. If the person does not know where to begin, a visit to a professional trainer may be a good idea to determine the best exercises and workout routines for the person's specific goals.
Consistency is vital when barbell training. While lifting once in a while may produce minimal results, working out several times a week can produce better, more obvious results. This is not to say, however, that a person should lift weights every day; in fact, rest days are just as important as lifting days to ensure proper muscle growth and performance. The muscles need adequate time to recover and repair muscle tissue; overtraining can lead to injuries or even a loss of muscle mass and efficiency. Every workout routine should have rest days included in them.
One common pitfall to barbell training is a plateau, which occurs when a lifter gets stuck lifting a certain amount of weight and cannot progress from there. Be sure to research the different methods for avoiding plateaus, or for working past them when they occur. Pyramid workouts help avoid plateaus, as can back lifting, in which a lifter lifts lighter weights for a period of time and then progresses to heavier weights, beyond the previous plateau. Other methods for overcoming plateaus are also available.