A diet focused on anti-aging nutrition will strive to include a broad array of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. Similarly, anti-aging nutrition plans stress the reduction of excess salt, sugar, drugs, and alcohol. Simply put, the best advice for following an anti-aging diet is to consistently eat a natural, healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, healthy carbohydrates, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy. Including all of these aspects into the daily diet generally guarantees appropriate intake of anti-aging nutrients.
One of the most common healthy eating adages is to eat fruit and vegetables, and the same applies to anti-aging nutrition. Not only do these foods help keep weight gain in check, they are also excellent sources of vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, which are essential to anti-aging nutrition. Vitamins, especially B vitamins and vitamin D, are not absorbed as readily as the body ages, so it is very important to eat plenty of vitamin-rich foods, and possibly even supplement with a daily multivitamin. Some fruits and vegetables are better sources of specific nutrients than others, so the best approach is to eat a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables.
Many people, especially those who have difficulty losing weight as they get older, experiment with eliminating carbohydrates from their diets. Instead, an anti-aging nutrition plan should focus on replacing carbs such as white flour pastas and breads with 100% whole wheat products. Whole grains are heart healthy, satisfying, and full of the fiber that is needed to regulate the digestive system. Similarly, people trying to lose weight often eliminate dairy products. While high fat cheeses and ice cream should definitely be consumed in moderation, low fat dairy products such as skim milk and non-fat yogurt are excellent sources of the calcium needed to keep bones and teeth strong.
Another switch that will reap anti-aging benefits is selecting animal-based protein sources carefully. Excessive portions or red meat can add a lot of fat to the diet and increase bad cholesterol levels, possibly leading to heart problems. Instead, choose lean protein such as chicken breast or fish. Fatty fish such as salmon is an ideal choice because they contain omega-3 fatty acids which are heart healthy, excellent for skin and hair, and have been suggested to prevent deteriorating diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Other excellent sources of omega-3’s and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats are olive oil and nuts.
It is important that people interested in anti-aging nutrition try to eat as naturally as possible and avoid heavily processed packaged foods and beverages. These foods contain excessive amounts of added salt, sugar, and preservatives that lead to weight gain, heart problems, and general sluggishness. Cigarettes should be avoided, because smoking is irrefutably linked to development of cancer and other crippling lung diseases that can significantly shorten life spans. Moderate servings of alcohol have been shown in some studies to have positive health effects, but excessive consumption can lead to significant health problems, specifically in the liver.