The best sources of postpartum depression support can come from different places. Some women find that speaking to a therapist can be helpful; the therapist may also recommend medication if necessary. Others find that asking for help from friends or family members can be a very beneficial source of postpartum depression support. Taking a fitness class designed to help women get back in shape after giving birth is another good idea.
Postpartum depression is common after giving birth; many women experience it, but it should not be taken lightly. If it does not seem to improve within a short period of time, it may be a good idea to visit a psychologist or psychiatrist for some formal postpartum depression support. He or she may be able to provide specific helpful information, and may recommend temporary antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication to prevent the depression from worsening. There is no shame in visiting a therapist for some help during postpartum depression, because it is important for the new mother's health as well as the health of the baby.
Seeking postpartum depression support from friends and family members as much as possible is important as well. Some women do not want to ask for help, but it may be necessary to ask specifically for people to help you if they do not realize it on their own. This may include help with things such as doing laundry or cleaning the house, or it may involve asking someone to care for the baby so the new parents, or just the new mom can get out of the house and do something relaxing for a few hours. Many people will likely be more than willing to help out. Even just calling a friend to vent any frustration or sadness that one may be feeling can be a very helpful way to get postpartum depression support.
Getting some exercise can also be a great source of postpartum depression support. Many gyms offer postpartum fitness classes, or even mommy-and-me classes so new mothers can bring their babies with them. These are typically gentle exercise classes designed to slowly increase physical fitness and encourage additional weight loss. Yoga and Pilates, for example, are often great postpartum fitness classes to help get back in shape after giving birth. Another option is to purchase or rent a DVD designed specifically for postpartum exercise; of course, it is important to always follow recommendations from a doctor, as some women need to wait longer to begin exercising than others.