Sources of narcolepsy support include friends and family members, in-person support groups or Internet narcolepsy support forums. Books and articles written by doctors and individuals living with narcolepsy are also considered supportive resources. A combination of these sources may be necessary in order to cope with the effects of narcolepsy. Sleep disorders can seriously affect the quality of a person’s life and experts recommend that narcoleptics reach out as much as possible for help in coping with this particular disorder.
Friends and family members are often the first people a narcoleptic will reach out to after being diagnosed. Initially, individuals may only be able to offer a listening ear and words of encouragement. Those willing to go the extra mile to learn more about sleep disorders, however, are able to offer more detailed narcolepsy support, such as participating in discussions about depression stemming from this disorder, as well as helping with medications and other treatment options.
In-person narcolepsy support groups are also available to assist patients in understanding their condition. In a group setting, individuals affected by narcolepsy gather at regular intervals to discuss their thoughts, feelings and challenges in dealing with this condition. As a chronic neurological disorder, doctors commonly declare narcolepsy a disability, which may make it difficult for some narcoleptics to operate a vehicle and work in certain environments. Such may lead to depression and a variety of other emotions, which are often best understood by others affected by sleep disorders.
Online support forums are also an effective way of discovering narcolepsy support. Available 24 hours a day, individuals with narcolepsy are able to log onto narcolepsy support forums and participate in discussions about their disorder. Internet support forums are particularly useful when other narcolepsy support resources, such as friends and family or in-person support groups, are not immediately available.
Books and articles written on various sleep disorders may also provide a form of support for individuals living with narcolepsy. Many of these are written by doctors offering useful information on narcolepsy facts and research, the different symptoms that accompany the disorder and some of the social or psychological affects it may have on an individual. Other books written by narcoleptics also provide a source of support and inspiration as authors living with the disorder also share ways of coping with it.
At the time of diagnosis, doctors specializing in sleep disorders will offer a list of resources for narcolepsy support. Along with medical treatment options, support resources are considered crucial in helping a person live the best quality of life possible despite being diagnosed with narcolepsy. It is not unusual for individuals with this disorder to seek a combination of supportive individuals and activities to help effectively cope with narcolepsy.