Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), a form of rheumatic arthritis, is the second most common arthritis after osteoarthritis. Its symptoms include, among others, pervasive muscle and joint pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, muddleheadedness — also called "fibro fog" — and depression or anxiety. Fibromyalgia’s debilitating, frequently misunderstood, chronic, diffuse symptoms often leave its sufferers feeling isolated, making it essential for those wishing to manage their quality of life to find support. Some leading organizations providing patient advocacy, education and fibromyalgia support in the United States include the National Fibromyalgia Research Association, the National Fibromyalgia Association and the National Fibromyalgia Partnership. Non-U.S. citizens might find support from these groups, such as through their websites, and similar organizations can be found in many other countries.
The National Fibromyalgia Research Association (NFRA) provides a range of fibromyalgia support to patients, healthcare practitioners and researchers alike. NFRA’s mission is to promote education, treatment and research to find a cure for fibromyalgia, for which there has been no cure discovered. The organization’s online resources for fibromyalgia support include information on diagnostic criteria, descriptions of treatment options and many self-help and technical research articles.
The National Fibromyalgia Association (NFA) devotes itself to developing and implementing programs to improve the quality of life for people with fibromyalgia. NFA offers a variety of public and member-only resources, including searchable directories where patients can find local fibromyalgia support groups and “fibro-friendly” healthcare providers. The organization also offers an online discussion forum where fibromyalgia patients can connect to offer each other advice and support. Subscriptions to NFA’s quarterly consumer magazine, Fibromyalgia Aware, are available to members and nonmembers alike.
The National Fibromyalgia Partnership (NFP) is a member-supported organization that publishes Fibromyalgia Frontiers Journal, included free with membership. The quarterly publication offers information on coping with fibromyalgia, fibromyalgia treatment options and fibromyalgia patient education. The NFP also maintains an offline directory of support groups that is available to members upon request. Some of NFP’s fibromyalgia-related publications are available in Spanish and French.