Natural flooring is the best option for those interested in sustaining the environment. Natural non-toxic flooring is also an elegant, sophisticated choice for many different interior spaces. The best type of natural flooring for a particular room depends on the color scheme, style, budget and maintenance requirements of the homeowner.
Cork floor tiles are an ideal natural flooring option for kitchens because they offer great cushioning. Cork, which is made from cork oak tree bark, has an interesting texture as well as a natural chemical that resists pests and mold. Sealed cork is fine for bathrooms, but unsealed cork should never be installed in areas prone to dampness such as basements. Cork flooring requires quite a bit of maintenance as it needs regular sweeping and resealing as well as varnishing to keep its shine.
Bamboo is associated with green flooring options because it grows much faster than trees used for wood floors, so it replenishes itself faster in the environment. Maintenance is quite easy with bamboo floors as only vacuuming plus damp mopping is usually needed. Bamboo flooring may become dented by dog’s nails or high heeled shoes. There are also not as many color options for bamboo flooring as there are for wood.
Wood floors are perfect for any room in a home or commercial space except that they don’t stand up well to pets as well as laminate flooring does. Other than that, the look and texture of real hardwood flooring that is nailed on in sections can't compare to the sheets of laminate floors that are made of photographs of wood coated with acrylic. Renewable hardwood flooring is an eco-friendly as well as a rustically elegant option. Renewable hardwood means that the forest of trees that the wood came from is renewed with more trees growing to help replace the ones used.
Linoleum is sometimes not thought of as natural flooring option as people tend to confuse it with vinyl floors. But linoleum, which shouldn’t be installed in areas prone to dampness, is natural flooring that makes a good option for those on a budget. Linoleum is made from a mixture of natural items such as rosin from pine trees and cork powder from oak trees as well as limestone dust and linseed oil. Since linoleum flooring tiles are available in many different colors, the tiles can be arranged to create striking patterns in floors. A new linoleum floor may have a linseed oil smell at first, but the odor usually disappears after a month or so.
Stone flooring tends to be slippery and it often stains easily. Stone is a beautiful natural flooring material although it can be expensive. Slate is often a good option for a stone floor as it isn't as slippery or as expensive as other stone floors and it tends to be more stain-resistant. Slate tiles are available in lighter or darker shades of gray and the tile has a rough, uneven texture that is appealing. Slate floors are not easy to install, so a professional floor installer is recommended.
Ceramic natural flooring is a popular choice for both kitchens and bathrooms. Glazed ceramic tiles are available in a wide range of sizes and colors and glazed tile is easy to clean and considered very hygienic. Ceramic tiles are also versatile as they can often be used on walls to create interesting patterns.