To choose the best methods for hemorrhoid removal, you should discuss the problem with your doctor to determine whether your hemorrhoids are internal or external. There are various surgical procedures available that completely remove the hemorrhoids. These procedures can often be very painful, and a involve a high level of discomfort during the healing process. Surgeries may include hemorrhoidectomy, laser surgery, or rubber band ligation.
Hemorrhoids refer to inflamed or enlarged anal blood vessels either near the rectal opening or inside of the anal cavity. They are usually caused by strain to the region, most often brought about by chronic constipation, heavy lifting, childbirth, or sitting in one place for long periods of time. Symptoms include itching, burning, and pain near the anal opening or inside the anus. There are creams and suppositories available that may help alleviate symptoms, although they will not typically remove hemorrhoids.
Until recently, hemorrhoidectomy was virtually the only method for hemorrhoid removal. The procedure involves patients being given local or general anesthesia. The surgeon then cuts the hemorrhoids out. This is generally the most painful procedure, primarily for external hemorrhoids. Pain may be managed by using prescription medications for a few days after surgery and by making lifestyle changes to make passing bowel movements easier.
Patients often feel the best methods for hemorrhoid removal involve either laser surgery or band ligation. In laser surgery, an electric current is surged through the area, causing blood flow to the hemorrhoids to be cut off. Band ligation works in much the same way for internal hemorrhoids. A small rubber band is wrapped around the base of the hemorrhoid, thus limiting its supply of blood.
After even the best methods for hemorrhoid removal, defecating can prove painful. This is often alleviated or lessened by using stool softeners, eating a diet that is high in fiber, and drinking plenty of water. Chronic constipation may be treated with other methods because aside from being a painful condition, constipation is the primary cause of hemorrhoids. Keeping the condition under control may help prevent a hemorrhoid occurrence.
In some cases, patients may find that using certain herbal remedies are the best methods for hemorrhoid removal. There are herbs that may quickly and effectively remove hemorrhoids, as well as help with pain after a removal surgery. Patients should consult a doctor or pharmacist about natural hemorrhoid removal to ensure that the necessary herbs won’t have any unwanted interactions with other drugs or supplements being taken.