As anyone with diabetes knows, glucose regulation is very important to ongoing good health. A failure to manage glucose levels effectively can lead to the loss of feeling in the extremities, problems with vision, and the development of a wide range of other health problems. When it comes to the actual process of maintaining healthy blood glucose levels, there are three main factors that must be addressed: diet, exercise, and stress.
Many people know that proper glucose regulation requires following a diet that contains foods rich in nutrients but relatively low in carbohydrates. The exact structure of the diet will vary, depending on whether the individual is dealing with hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. When the individual is hyperglycemic, or is prone to having too much glucose in the bloodstream, staying away from simple carbohydrates is important. People who are hypoglycemic, or tend to have experience periods where blood sugar levels drop below acceptable limits, must tailor their food intake in a way that tends to keep glucose levels up and within a normal range.
Exercise is also key to the process of glucose regulation. With this element of glucose management, the idea is to help the body convert sugar into energy, which effectively rids the system of excess amounts of blood glucose from the body. While anyone engaged in the task of managing glucose levels will benefit from different types of exercise, people dealing with type 2 diabetes may find that exercise coupled with a sensible diet will make it possible to remain off insulin treatments or even oral medication for a number of years.
While not everyone thinks of stress as having an impact on blood sugar, the fact is that constantly high levels of stress interfere with the body’s ability to properly process carbohydrates. This can lead to increased levels of sugar in the blood. Diabetics are often encouraged to eliminate unnecessary stress from their lives, and identify various methods that make it possible to reduce the impact of stress that cannot be avoided. Glucose regulation of this type can take the form of using techniques such as breathing exercises, yoga, or any other approach that helps to calm the mind and protect the individual from feeling worried or emotionally worn out due to the demands of daily living.
It is important to note that glucose regulation is an ongoing effort. The goal is to practice effective glucose homeostasis, which is simply the maintenance of healthy glucose levels whether resting, eating, exercising, or working. While lifestyle changes are common when anyone is first diagnosed with some form of diabetes, many of these adjustments can be implemented quickly, allowing the individual to enjoy life while still managing to keep glucose levels within an acceptable range.