Among the many benefits of rooibos tea are that it is known to have a calming affect on the nervous system, it may also ease the symptoms of insomnia and it is commonly used to relieve minor skin irritations. Also known as red tea or red bush tea, rooibos is an herbal tea and, therefore, completely free of caffeine. The benefits of rooibos tea cause it to be appreciated by many at the end of a day just before bedtime.
The benefits of rooibos tea can be obtained by drinking the tea hot or cold. When used to soothe skin irritations, it may also be applied topically. In addition to its calming affect on the nerves and skin, some also use rooibos tea to soothe colic in infants, upset stomachs, eczema and headaches.
Red tea grows naturally in South Africa, but is also cultivated in other parts of the world for personal use, as well as commercial distribution. While other tea varieties are high in antioxidants, particularly green tea, rooibos has as much as 50 times the amount of the superoxide dismutase enzyme, which protects against oxidation. Such strong antioxidant properties are frequently counted among the main benefits of rooibos tea.
Other teas that contain caffeine cause sleeplessness if consumed late in the day or just before bedtime. Red tea, on the other hand, produces the opposite effect and helps calm anxiety. One of the main benefits of rooibos tea cited by regular drinkers is that it does not contain caffeine and can, therefore, be enjoyed at any time of the day.
Red bush tea is also believed to be effective in helping individuals who struggle with depression and irritability. Another of the many benefits of rooibos tea is that it does not contain high amounts of tannin as other teas do and, therefore, does not reduce the body’s ability to absorb protein and iron. In addition to its health properties, rooibos tea is also used to tenderize meat, as well as to dye hair.
When used topically, another of the benefits of rooibos tea is that it helps relieve itching. Applied to skin irritations caused by an allergic skin rash, eczema or acne, red tea soothes skin. Rooibos tea is also known to contain important nutrients the body needs for optimal functioning, such as magnesium and zinc, which contribute to a calm nervous system, as well as manganese and calcium.