The benefits of reflexology can include enhanced circulation, detoxification, relaxation, and improved immunity. People who undergo reflexology often experience reduced stress and general improvements in overall mood. Reflexology, while not considered a medical treatment, is believed to be an effective complementary treatment for conditions like allergies, asthma, muscle tension, and chronic pain. Reflexology treatment is typically performed by gently massaging the nerve endings on the hands, feet, ankles, and wrists. There are few risks, and the benefits of reflexology can help many patients cope with stress and the symptoms of disease.
Reflexology is considered to be a form of Eastern alternative therapy, and it is said to balance the energies of the body by stimulating the nerve endings of the feet or hands. Reflexology may help reduce muscle tension, especially in the neck, back, and shoulders, to promote feelings of deep relaxation and relieve stress. Many medical doctors agree that the benefits of reflexology can include improved circulation and detoxfication of the body's tissues.
Clearing the body's neural pathways may be another reflexology benefit. The practice may also help to reduce pain by blocking the nervous system's pain response. Reflexology is also said to promote endorphin production in the brain, which can improve mood. It may strengthen immunity by increasing the flow of lymph through the body's tissues.
Practitioners of reflexology believe that it can have benefits for all of the body's systems. Many people seek reflexology treatments to help with physical symptoms of illness, such as headaches, fatigue, and insomnia. Reflexology treatments can generally soothe both body and mind, reducing stress and calming the emotions. It is said to generally support all physical functions by promoting better circulation of blood and lymph, to increase oxygen supply to the body's tissues and help cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. People who undergo reflexology often experience an improvement in physical symptoms, as well as improved mood and greater relaxation.
Many people believe that reflexology can improve any number of physical symptoms, ranging from skin growths to high blood pressure to digestive disturbances. While there are a few dangers associated with this type of treatment, the benefits of reflexology can often be said to outweigh its risks. People who may be at risk for deep vein thrombosis often aren't considered suitable candidates for reflexology treatment, due to the risk of loosening a blood clot in the feet or legs. Most reflexologists won't administer the therapy to people suffering from contagious disease, due to the risk of spreading the disease to others. People with diabetes may want to seek a physician's advice before undergoing reflexology, since the procedure can stimulate the release of accumulated toxins within the body, including any excess sugar that may have built up in the patient's liver.