The primary benefits seen with cell therapy for hair include faster hair growth and regeneration of the hair follicles. Therapy has shown some promise in causing hair shafts to move more quickly out of their resting and shedding phases and into growth phases. In some individuals, ovation cell therapy may be able to prevent or reverse hair loss while restoring thickness and density.
Some people are genetically predisposed to early hair loss, while others may suffer from diseases and prolonged periods of stress that can lead to unwanted hair loss. Over time cell therapy for hair may be able to reverse some or all of this loss by stimulating the hair shaft into a growth phase. Stem cell therapy also has the potential to change the structure of an individual's DNA so that the cells responsible for hair growth become less sensitive to the hormone DHT. This hormone is thought to be the main cause behind most types of hair loss.
In addition to reversing some patterns of baldness, thicker and stronger hair follicles can result from cell therapy for hair. Manufacturers of hair care products may use ingredients equivalent to ovation cell therapy to address concerns about hair loss due to age or chemical damage. These types of products tend to infuse proteins and vitamins into the scalp's cells to help give the hair more density, strength, and length. Individuals may need to use these types of products for two to three months before results are seen.
One of the benefits of cell therapy for hair is that it tends to shorten the time that a follicle is in its resting phase. During this phase, the hair does not grow and instead sheds. When too many follicles are in a resting stage, this can lead to a greater amount of hair loss than a person is used to seeing. While stress, age, and disease can be contributing factors, cell therapy can help treat hair loss while the underlying cause is brought under control.
Those individuals who suffer from partial or pattern baldness seem to benefit the most from cell therapy for hair. This is usually related to the fact that only a portion of their cells have become DHT sensitive due to a hormonal imbalance. Genetic causes may be more difficult to address and may require repeated cell therapy treatments until the possibility of advanced DNA restructuring is realized.