Fiberglass swimming pools have several advantages over traditional swimming pools. A fiberglass pool is installed in the backyard in a matter of days while a traditional swimming pool may take weeks to install. First, the site is excavated and dug. Then the pool is placed inside the hole.
Fiberglass swimming pools are one-piece shells manufactured from fiberglass. They are coated with a gel that is similar to the ones used on boats and pool slides. These pools are more expensive than other types of swimming pools and come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and tile patterns.
Simplicity of installation is just one of several advantages to choosing fiberglass swimming pools. In addition, pool made from fiberglass requires virtually no maintenance. While traditional pools require frequent professional services, fiberglass pools do not. Since they are built from strong, composite materials, they can withstand drastic changes in temperature. Unlike regular swimming pools, a fiberglass pool never needs to be resurfaced or relined. If the bottom of the pool suffers a hairline fracture, the fracture rarely irrevocably damages the structure.
Another advantage of choosing a fiberglass swimming pool is the fact that, unlike plaster pools, the pH level of the water is never affected. For this reason, it isn't necessary to apply many chemicals to the water in a fiberglass pool. Since an excessive amount of chemicals is not added to the water, it requires less circulating as well. A decrease in water circulating means the pool pump doesn't have to work as hard. In short, a pool owner's utility bills aren't nearly as high as the bills of a person who owns a traditional swimming pool.
A concrete pool will often absorb algae, making it difficult to clean. In contrast, fiberglass swimming pools do not absorb algae. A pool owner merely needs to use a broom to direct algae toward the pool's main drain. A fiberglass pool can be cleaned just as a bathtub is cleaned. Pool owners can use a simple cleanser to wipe away any dirt or rings left by body oil or sunscreen.
Once a fiberglass pool is installed, water must remain within it at all times. If an owner drains the pool in an incorrect manner, the structure can buckle or crack because of ground pressure. Contact the pool installer or manufacturer for directions on how to safely drain the pool without risk of damaging the structure.