Made of durable polypropylene, swimming pool covers serve a number of purposes for the pool owner. Pool covers can be attached when the pool is not in use to prevent leaves, bird dropping, and other debris from falling into the pool water and, thus, dirtying the water. These covers can also serve to make the pool safer and more secure when the pool is not in use as it will deter others who may consider trespassing in someone else's pool. Nonetheless, the primary purpose pool covers serve is to help winterize one's pool when the cold months make their annual visit.
During winter months, the pool cover is the usually the final element added when winterizing one's pool. After the pool water has been drained to an appropriate level and the winterizing chemicals have been added, the cover is set in place. The pool cover will serve to prevent dirt, debris, small animals, and pollution from making their way into the pool water. The cover, when used in conjunction with the winterizing chemicals, will also serve to prevent algae from forming on the pool's liner during the winter freeze.
For pool owners who choose not to install a cover over the winter, the result is almost always--dirty pool water filled with leaves, debris and algae--not to mention the occasional and unpleasant sighting of a dead squirrel.
Pool covers are UV (ultra violet) inhibited, come in all shapes and sizes and are available for both inground and above-ground pools. Prices for pool covers will vary depending on the size of the cover, the quality of the polypropylene and the warranty that accompanies the product. Pool covers are usually 3 to 5 feet larger than the pool openings. For instance, for a 24-foot circular pool, the cover would be 27 to 30 feet from end to end. This additional size allows plenty of room for the pool to be securely fastened alongside the pool using the cable and wench that usually accompanies most covers when purchased.
Other useful pool covers available are solar covers, which can help raise the temperature in any swimming pool, and leaf nets -- thin, screen-like covers that keep leaves from entering the water. Finally, a useful, low-cost device pool owners should consider purchasing as a supplement to their cover is a winter cover siphon drain. When you are preparing to remove the cover after its winter use, this product can be tossed into the middle of the pool, atop the cover where the dirty water has gathered, and it will pump out the water and make certain it does not fall into the clean water of the pool.