Psoriasis is a skin disease that affects over a million people in the US alone. There are actually different types of psoriasis, varying in intensity from mild to severe, and appearing in different parts of the body at different stages. Psoriasis is characterized for a malfunction of the skin cells, which causes the skin to reproduce faster than it is shed, causing inflammation and a scaly look. There is no known cause for psoriasis, and no identified cure for it.
Treatments for psoriasis vary widely depending on how acute the case is and where does it mainly appear. Many people choose treatments for psoriasis that are relatively non-invasive, such as vitamin therapy. A derivative of vitamin D, known as calcitriol, is especially useful in treating psoriasis. Certain dietary supplements, such as Omega 3 oils, can also help psoriasis considerably.
One of the most common treatments for psoriasis is phototherapy. Sun exposure and ultraviolet radiation in general is extremely effective against psoriasis, and is sometimes used on its own to completely stop the spread of the disease. However, ultraviolet radiation works especially well when combined with topical applications of salt-based ointments or bath solutions. Psoriasis in general improves during summer months, which is why warm climates are recommended as treatments for psoriasis for people who are suffering from severe cases.
There are many drug-free treatments for psoriasis. The most popular consists of products manufactured with Dead Sea minerals, which seem to control the onset of psoriasis as soon as applied. Dietary changes can also help people dealing with psoriasis, although studies have not confirmed to what extent are the changes possible. A balanced diet rich in folate and vitamins A and B can help improve the problem, and many doctors recommend a multivitamin as a way to maintain general well-being and make patients feel better.
Stress worsens the aspect of psoriasis, which is why many of the recommended treatments for psoriasis include yoga, meditation, and other stress-reduction techniques. Depression is sometimes connected to psoriasis, and patients are encouraged to consult their doctors as soon as possible if they believe to be suffering from it.