Nesting tables are small tables that are designed to be stacked onto and within one another. Generally, they come in sets of three. Each table is slightly smaller than the other, which allows them to be slid beneath each other. These tables are not stacked in the sense that one table rests its weight on top of the other, but instead, each table has feet that rest on the floor while the next table is able to fit right above it.
In almost all cases, a nesting table set does not include a large, dining room-size table. Rather, the largest table is usually about 20 inches (about 0.5 meter) wide or less. Each subsequent table is only slightly smaller, in order to be able to fit beneath the larger table.
Nesting tables can be convenient to homeowners for a variety of reasons. Those with large families can use the tables to dine off of if they decide to have dinner in the family room rather than in the living room. The same holds true for when several guests are invited to the home and more table space is needed.
The tables can also be used for playing board games, such as chess, and an entire tournament can be played with the help of these tables. Similarly, they can be used to hold plants or other knickknacks when needed, then they can be conveniently replaced to their pseudo-stacked position.
One of the advantages to nesting tables not truly being stacked is that the largest table is completely stable because it is resting on its own feet. Therefore, they do not look like a group of stacked tables shoved in a corner. Instead, the largest table can always be used to add to the decor in the room, while the extra tables wait beneath until they need to be brought out for a special purpose. Nesting tables can also be quite attractive as a decorative element without storing the extra tables beneath the largest table. In fact, placing them next to each other creates an interesting look that is particularly attractive when plants are placed on top of each one or another decorative element with a common theme is used.