Home lighting trends are the evolving ways that people choose to light their homes. Although there are some home lightning trends for lighting the exterior of a home, the most variation in lighting trends for homes has to do with lighting the interior. Over the years there have been many trends in home lighting. There are trends that go back to the beginning of the history of home lighting. Before electric lights, it was common to light large homes with open flames. Later on, it became common to light homes with the use of oil lamps, which began home lighting trends of using lovely glass shades to surround the oil-lit flame and create a glow.
In modern times, home lighting trends almost always have to do with the use of electric lights. There are some new home lightning trends that even use solar energy to light homes. Some home lighting trends in recent decades have included the use of recessed lighting. Recessed lighting is a kind of lighting in which the fixture is sunk into the ceiling instead of hung from it. This trend is still used in some homes as well as in professional and commercial spaces.
In addition to affecting fixtures, home lighting trends also often affect the kinds of light bulbs that are used. In recent years people have become more and more conscious about using home appliances and devices that are energy efficient. This has extended into the use of efficient light bulbs. For example, some people prefer to use full spectrum light bulbs in their homes. Full spectrum light bulbs have become a part of home lighting trends for two reasons. One reason is that the bulbs are more efficient, but the other reason is that full spectrum light bulbs are often used to treat or lessen the effects of seasonal affective disorder, which can cause depression during winter months when there are fewer hours of daylight.
Finally, home lighting trends also have to do with floor lamps, table lamps, and all varieties of lighting that are not installed in a wall or ceiling. The shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns used in lamps have a great deal to do with home lighting trends. The same is true for the kinds of materials that are used to make the bases and shades of lamps.