A manual testing engineer is responsible for testing computer software for all potential problems a user might encounter. Interviewing for this kind of job requires the applicant to have strong computer and problem-solving abilities. Manual testing interview questions range from queries about professional experience to problem-solving exercises, questions about computer knowledge, and getting to know a candidate's personality better. Employers take the results of these questions together as a whole to decide which candidate is the right fit for a job.
Professional experience-related manual testing interview questions are posed to expand upon a candidate's resume. An interviewer who sees an intriguing entry in a candidate's prior experience may ask the candidate to expand upon this experience. These questions can be asked to gain a better understanding of a person's ability and knowledge. This type of question can also be asked because an interviewer may doubt the relevancy of certain prior experiences and wants to be certain this is the correct assessment. Like all interview questions, professional experience questions are an opportunity to showcase an applicant's ability.
Problem solving is a necessity in order to become an engineer in charge of software testing. Problem solving manual testing interview questions frequently pose a difficult situation for the candidate and require working through the issue vocally or in written form. Examples of this type of interview technique include asking how a candidate uses integration testing or how severity and priority are used in software testing to solve problems.
Computer knowledge is an absolute must for any testing job. Manual testing interview questions are often designed to gauge a candidate's understanding of systems, software, and common testing techniques. Some examples of computer knowledge interview questions include those about V&V models, the type of SDLC a candidate prefers, and what metrics he or she uses during testing.
Personality qualities play a major role in whether a candidate will be successful at a new job. Interviewers will often set aside some technical manual testing interview questions in favor of ones that uncover more about an interviewee's work style and personality. For example, interviewers might ask about a job-related conflict the candidate had with another employee and how that issue was resolved. Another type of personality question involves what management style the candidate considers the best fit or describing an ideal supervisor. These questions help assure interviewers that the candidate's day-to-day work habits are compatible with the organization.