Seeing a dermatologist for rosacea as soon as you begin to develop symptoms is perhaps the best way to halt the progress of the condition and spare yourself both discomfort and possible disfigurement. Rosacea is a progressive skin disease with no cure, but there are many effective medical treatments available. Even if you are not sure whether your breakouts or skin redness is due to rosacea, a visit to the dermatologist can help you get an accurate diagnosis.
Rosacea is a skin condition in which the skin flushes and turns red easily. Over time, different types of rosacea may develop with symptoms that include acne-like blemishes and pustules, skin thickening, and even eye redness. The condition may be initially confused with acne, though it will not respond to over-the-counter acne medications the way regular pimples and blemishes normally do. As rosacea has the potential for causing disfigurement and vision problems, it is important to see a dermatologist for the condition even if you are unsure about your symptoms. The condition is typically quite treatable and manageable, particularly if caught in its early stages.
When you schedule an appointment with the dermatologist for rosacea, he will probably want to know about your family history and ask you about your eating habits and lifestyle so as to determine what may trigger your symptoms. You may also be asked to keep a diary documenting the occurrence of rosacea symptoms so as to give your doctor a better idea of how best to treat your condition. You may be given medication for controlling the rosacea and may be offered various types of medical treatments that can address any damage that has already been done to your skin. These treatments, combined with dietary and lifestyle changes, can be very useful in controlling the condition and normalizing the appearance of your skin.
The importance of seeing a dermatologist for rosacea cannot be overstated. While the initial symptoms may seem inconsequential, over time your appearance could be significantly marred by the condition. Unfortunately, there is a strong stigma against people with facial disfigurement, which could work against you in social and professional situations. In addition, many people unfairly associate rosacea with alcoholism, causing them to make negative assumptions about your drinking habits. By seeing a dermatologist for rosacea, you can spare yourself a significant amount of the emotional and physical distress that this condition can cause.