Minor head injury treatment most often can occur at home without any serious repercussions; however, it typically is important to correctly access the head trauma to ensure it does not require immediate medical attention. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if the person that has suffered head trauma has lost consciousness. If an injured person has slurred speech, experiences memory loss, or vomits more than once, medical treatment should be sought immediately. Bleeding from the ears generally is an indicator that a person should not be moved, and 911 should be called without delay.
Typically, it is vital to recognize when head trauma is potentially serious and when it is of no serious concern. As a general rule of thumb, head injuries that occur on a carpeted or padded surface and occur from less than the height of the person that fell, no medical treatment normally is required. If there is no loss of consciousness, medical treatment generally is not necessary. Whenever in doubt, though, it is best to seek medical treatment.
It is common for minor head trauma to cause bleeding under the scalp that results in a large bruise, or what is commonly known as a goose egg. Most often, the bleeding will resolve on its own and require no medical treatment. To treat a minor head injury of this type, ice can be used to decrease the bleeding and swelling at the injury site. If ice is not readily available, a bag of frozen vegetables may work. Commercially produced ice packs also can be used to treat a minor head injury.
If necessary, you can treat a minor head injury at home using pain relievers and bed rest. It is important to keep the injured person under supervision to confirm no serious head trauma has occurred. If a small contusion is present, it should be cleaned with an antiseptic and thoroughly dried.
Medical attention may be required to treat a minor head injury if deep lacerations occur. Often, staples or stitches may have to be administered to treat minor head trauma. A tetanus shot is usually given at this time, as well as a numbing medication to reduce pain and discomfort.