To report loan fraud, you will typically have to gather as much information about the crimes as possible. If you have documented evidence, making copies of it will likely prove helpful as well. With notes regarding the situation at hand, your next step likely will be contacting law enforcement in your area to learn how to report this crime. In some cases, you can only report it to a law enforcement agency, while other jurisdictions may have particular organizations that handle this type of crime.
An accusation of loan fraud is unlikely to go very far if you do not have solid information to assist investigations. As such, you may do well to gather as much information as you can about the fraud, including the names of the parties involved, contact information for these people, and the name of the affected lending institution. Any information you have about the loans may prove helpful as well. Additionally, you will likely need a written, detailed explanation of the reasons you suspect fraud. In the event that you have documented evidence of fraudulent activities, copies of it may aid investigations.
Sometimes it can be difficult to determine where you should report loan fraud. You may do well to start with your local police department. A police officer will be able to refer you to another law enforcement agency or government organization that handles loan fraud complaints. It is typically best to avoid calling your police department’s emergency number when you want to report loan fraud, as loan fraud is not considered an emergency situation.
The procedure you will have to follow to file a loan fraud report may depend on the jurisdiction in which you are located and the guidelines of the agency to which you are reporting the fraud. In some places, you can begin the process of filing a fraud complaint by phone or online. Often, however, you will have to complete the complaint process by meeting with an agency representative in person. He will usually collect the information and evidence you have and guide you through the process of completing the complaint. To encourage swift handling of the loan fraud case, you will likely have to provide as much detailed information as possible and cooperate with investigative efforts.
Depending on your jurisdiction, you might also be able to file a fraud report anonymously. For example, you may choose to download a complaint form from the appropriate organization in your jurisdiction and then mail it to the organization to which you are reporting the crime. You may alternatively mail a letter detailing a crime to the appropriate organization. Despite the fact that you are filing an anonymous report, it is still important to provide as much detailed information as possible. If you have evidence, you can send copies of it through the mail as well.