If you are considering distance education in law, you will more than likely need to obtain a bachelor's degree before applying to any law programs. Like any other type of law school, distance education in law programs will have admissions requirements that you will need to fulfill in order to be considered to the program, so if you have already earned an undergraduate degree and wish to study law, you will need to find out what each school's admissions requirements are. You will very likely need to take an exam or a few exams to be considered for distance education in law, so take these exams and perform as well as you can.
Distance learning courses are a convenient way to study law, but you should be prepared and organized, as distance education in law can be an intense process that will require you to do a significant amount of self-directed studying. It is important to research each program you are considering to find the distance education in law program that will offer you the support you will undoubtedly need throughout the process. Be sure the classes online are easy to navigate and otherwise attend, and be sure you can reach professors easily to ask questions and get assignments.
Look into the types of technology used in distance learning classes. Some classes feature online message boards only, in which you can communicate with other students as well as the professor, while others feature streaming video, audio downloads, web-based seminars, and even slideshows and visual presentations. The more options for technology use, the better the program will be, as there will be more avenues for delivering and receiving clear concepts, ideas, and interactive assignments.
Before applying for any distance education in law programs, be sure to examine the curriculum carefully, and make sure you research the instructors of the coursework as well. Some distance law programs can be conducted entirely through the distance learning channels, but very often a law program will require you to travel to specific sites at some point during your matriculation. Find out what the requirements for travel will be, if any. Take note of the professors and instructors of the coursework, and be sure they are reputable, qualified, and well known in the law world. Finally, try to find out what support services will be available to you during and after your matriculation, such as tutoring, job placement, financial aid, and so on.