Maintaining your body and mind by regularly exercising and eating a healthy diet are common ways to prevent mood swings. Some people also find relief in recognizing that they are about to have a mood swing and then attempting to distract themselves. It is not always possible to prevent mood swings, though; for example, preteens and pregnant women commonly have mood swings because of their changing bodies. Other times, it may be necessary to take medication to lessen or prevent mood swings because of a bipolar or sleep disorder.
Exercising is a method of improving health in hundreds of ways, like managing weight, maintaining good circulation, and increasing stamina. It is also shown to improve mood and might prevent mood swings because it combats stress. If you do not have a routine exercise plan, start slowly and pick an exercise that sounds fun. Some people choose exercise videos that ballet dancers use or weight-lifting videos set to energizing music. Even if you only manage to put in 20 minutes every day, exercising can help prevent mood swings.
Eating a healthy diet without skipping meals can also prevent mood swings. Healthy food is required to keep your brain functioning at its best, but not eating or eating food with little nutritional value can lead to irritability or outright anger. In fact, a poor diet can also make a person unusually sleepy during times he or she is normally feeling fine. Fatigue is a common trigger of mood swings and can be avoided by eating right and sleeping on a regular schedule. If you are unsure what a healthy diet consists of, ask a doctor for help in making smarter everyday choices when it comes to food.
If you realize you are having a mood swing, take a deep breath and do something else. Read a book, practice drawing, or do whatever activity you find fun. You may be able to limit unhappy thoughts and feelings of anxiety by not concentrating on them or letting them get away from you. Mood swings can be unpredictable, however, and you cannot always stop working, studying, or doing chores. In this case, try to focus on happy things and keep in mind that strong negative feelings are part of the mood swing.
Speak to a doctor about preventing mood swings. Sometimes mood swings are a sign of a greater problem, like bipolar disorder. A disorder is usually treatable, but a diagnosis is the first step.