Planning a vacation to the Finger Lakes of New York should involve a focus on transportation as well as where you want to stay and what you want to do. When booking activities, accommodation and transportation for your Finger Lakes vacation, be sure to get all of the details you'll need, including weather conditions. If you'll be traveling by car, getting maps as well as the expected road conditions and any closures or detours for the Finger Lakes region before your vacation is a good idea.
If you plan on visiting many different areas in the region, you may want to have a car. Some smaller towns in the Finger Lakes don't have convenient public transportation options, while those located between bigger cities often do. It's best to check on the different types of transportation available in each town or area. If you'll be taking a plane into the region, it's best to choose one of the larger airports since the smaller ones may not offer car rental services.
When planning to visit larger Finger Lakes attractions and cities, first check locations near the top or bottom of lake areas since they tend to be mainly concentrated there. If you hope to take in a range of different types of activities that include both the outdoors as well as shopping, museums and theater, contact Finger Lakes visitors information services for help planning. It's possible to experience many different facets of the region, but some research into what you'd like to do most is recommended when planning a Finger Lakes vacation — especially if reservations are required.
You may want to include a wineries tour since there are many in the region worth seeing. Booking a bus tour can allow you to taste the wines without having to worry about drinking and driving. If shopping is something you're looking for in a Finger Lakes vacation, look for options that include malls as well as unique stores. For theater options during the time of your trip, you can contact the performing arts companies directly to find out what will be showing as well as often buy tickets in advance.
For outdoor activities on your Finger Lakes vacation, planning ahead may help you to combine a variety of experiences into one trip, depending on the time of year. Hunting, fishing and boating are popular in the Finger Lakes as are cycling, hiking and skiing. If you're interested in planning a Finger Lakes vacation with outdoor tours, the region has companies that have outside recreation packages for individuals, couples and families.