The field of clinical neuroscience deals with how the brain and central nervous system are structured and operate. A person who is interested in becoming a doctor or dentist can choose to earn a dual degree in both his or her chosen medical program and in a doctoral degree program in clinical neuroscience. You can choose to simply complete multiple levels of clinical neuroscience training to be successful in this field as well.
If you are interested in going into clinical neuroscience, you first must complete an undergraduate degree in the area of psychology. You should look for a bachelor’s degree program, which lasts four years and requires that you submit your high school diploma or the equivalent certification as well as a transcript of past courses. Filling out the school’s admissions application is a necessary part of the enrollment process as well. A psychology degree program will teach you how to analyze the steps of mental illnesses and to create neurological therapies. You will also study how the brain works and why people behave in certain ways.
Going into clinical neuroscience additionally requires completion of a two-year master’s degree. To get into this type of graduate degree program, you must show proof of having completed a bachelor’s degree program in a field such as psychology, chemistry, or biology. Some schools also want you to show that you have previous research experience and submit letters of recommendation and graduate admissions test scores. Other universities actually require that you also have a faculty member sponsor you before you can be admitted into their programs. In addition, an interview sometimes is part of the admissions process.
Classes in a master’s degree program in clinical neuroscience cover a wide range of science subjects and require you to complete extensive research. You will study topics such as neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and neurobiology. In addition, master’s degree institutions require that you complete a research thesis project that you will later publish, as well as complete laboratory research regularly during the program.
To enter the field of clinical neuroscience at the highest academic level, you must complete a PhD program. This type of degree program usually lasts about four years and requires that you choose a specific research area on which to focus. Potential focus areas include neuroimaging, anxiety disorders, or even addictions. You also have to choose a supervisor from your PhD institution to oversee the completion of your doctoral dissertation, a lengthy research project required in order for you to graduate. Possessing a master’s degree in neuroscience or a related scientific area is a prerequisite for getting into a PhD program in this field.