In order to get veterinary surgeon training, you should investigate a number of graduate-level programs. There are certain details that you should keep an eye out for when you are doing your investigation. First, make note of the veterinary surgeon training qualifications listed for each of the graduate programs. You also should make note of the tuition, location and ranking of each program you are considering. These details will determine important factors, such as ease of access, selectivity and job placement after graduation.
In order to get accepted into a veterinary surgeon training program, you are going to have to take a number of pre-veterinary courses. You will find that these courses are almost all based in the sciences. In a typical pre-veterinary course load, you can expect to find classes such as general biology, physics, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, animal biology and animal nutrition. All veterinary surgeon training programs are different, but you can expect to have completed 45-90 semester hours of pre-veterinary training before you can be considered a candidate for a graduate program.
Aside from the undergraduate pre-veterinary prerequisites, you likely will also need to pass one or more admissions tests. These tests can vary depending on the country in which you live, but they typically cover the same types of material. The requirements of the school to which you are applying might determine how many of these tests you must pass and which ones.
There are a number of methods for getting veterinary surgeon training. The most prestigious programs are on-campus programs, although you will find that online or distance learning programs have risen in popularity. If you choose to enroll in an online program, make sure that it is one that will allow you to get plenty of clinical internship experience.
In order to be assured that you can get veterinary surgeon training, you will need to excel in all of the pre-veterinary requirements. This has become an increasingly competitive field over the years. In many cases, fewer than half of all applicants are accepted into a graduate veterinary program.