Vocational career training will prepare you for a job that is outside the academic realm; practical jobs or manual labor positions often require some training, and in order to qualify for such jobs, you may need to enroll either in a vocational school or apprenticeship program. A vocational or technical school will offer vocational career training in a wide variety of fields, while an apprenticeship will focus on one specific career only. It helps to have a clear understanding of what kind of job you want to do before you enroll in any training programs.
If you are unsure what area you want to study for your vocational career training, you can enroll at a vocational or technical school and consult an advisor who can help you better understand your strengths and talents. The advisor may be able to recommend jobs that will fit your skill set, and you will then be able to work out training options. Your vocational career training can range anywhere from one to five years, and at the end of the training, you will usually be qualified for a job in a specific field. Certifications may be necessary, so you should check into whether all necessary certifications are included with the cost of the training coursework.
Sometimes it is possible to get an apprenticeship if you already have a clear understanding of what field you want to enter. Local unions may offer apprenticeships for specific positions, and private companies may offer such positions to allow you to get vocational career training. Plumbing unions, for example, will offer apprenticeships that will allow you to work with an experienced plumber for several years. This allows you to learn the trade thoroughly while still making money to earn a living. A private plumber who is not unionized may also offer an apprenticeship, but you will need to do some research into the validity of the training program before enrolling.
Unpaid internships or paid, entry-level positions are also often offered by private companies. Such positions will allow you to learn more about a specific industry while on a job site; if the position is unpaid, you will usually end up performing manual labor and doing other work that does not require particular skills. Paid positions will also often be manual labor positions, though you may be given some more responsibilities or opportunities to learn new skills for the trade.