Therapeutic training programs provide education in effectively helping others to improve their mental or physical well-being, typically in the fields of allied health or complementary medicine. Getting the best therapeutic training begins with locating accredited programs in your area, those that have been approved to offer licensing or certification. Once you have determined this, make a list of schools providing the type of training that you require and begin the process of checking each one out. Learn what each program has to offer, and aim for stellar training facilities and faculty, as well as moderate to high student pass rates.
When choosing the best therapeutic training program, make sure that it is properly accredited or you will have wasted lots of time and money. Accreditation ensures that the training that you receive meets the essential criteria requirements necessary to obtain licensing or certification in your region, and that you can perform the job professionally in a safe manner. For example, the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) is the accrediting body for many therapeutic training programs that exist within the United States, including surgical assisting, lactation consulting, and fitness training. In the United Kingdom, the Health Professions Council (HPC) oversees those in the field and approves training programs there.
The therapeutic training program that you attend should adequately prepare you for work in your field of interest, including both classroom and hands-on experiences so that you have a thorough command and understanding of what you do. It should provide you with many opportunities to demonstrate competence and mastery through periodic testing and examination, but, more importantly, your training program must lead to licensing or certification, especially if it is required for employment. School faculty members should be qualified to teach the coursework, meaning that they have been properly educated and are experienced in providing the care or service that you seek to offer. They must also have valid licensing if it is necessary. If you are in nursing school for example, the person teaching you should be a licensed nurse with a graduate school education.
Check out the school thoroughly before you officially enroll in a therapeutic training program. Depending on where you reside, community colleges, universities, and trade schools are typically accredited by a regional governmental body which is separate from the accreditation for the program itself. Take a tour of the campus, look at the grounds, and talk with a few current students to get their perspective. Talk with a counselor or an academic advisor regarding the specific program in which you are interested, being certain to ask questions about licensing or certifying examination pass and fail rates. Find out how many students actually finish their program and do all of this for every program that you think would be a good fit for you.